Statistics and Reports
The Office of Human Resources provides analysis and reporting of human resources management information, including demographics, internal and external markets for faculty and staff salaries, and mandated federal and state reporting.
Salary and Earnings
This salaries and earnings application is searchable by name, job title, VP/college, department and organization and salary/hourly/earnings ranges.
Salary search results include all non-student employees with a paid appointment that was active on the “as of” date. It will show each individual’s salary and FTE (full-time equivalency), or it will show the hourly rate and the term “Hourly” in the FTE column. Individuals with more than one title/appointment will appear in multiple search results.
Earnings search results include all non-student employees’ regular, overtime, bonus and sick leave/vacation payout for the timeframe listed in the Year column. For individuals with more than one job title/appointment, their earnings are listed in the area that corresponds to their primary appointment.
Note: The new Workday system uses period activity pay for semester-based employees, and isn’t included in the salary data.
Statistical Summaries
Visit The Ohio State University Statistical Summary website for additional information.
The following are reports produced annually that detail diversity data university-wide and by department or college. If you have any questions about the reports, contact HR Analytics & Decision Support at