Preparing to Retire - Eligibility

As you prepare to leave the university, it is important to understand the benefits you are eligible to receive. To know this, you must first determine if you are separating employment, retiring from STRS, OPERS or the ARP and/or retiring from the university.

Determine your eligibility to retire from your retirement plan:

Retirement Plan Qualifications

Retirement Plan Qualifications to begin receiving retirement plan benefits
STRS Defined Benefit Must meet age and service requirements found on the STRS website.
STRS Combined Plan Must meet age and service requirements found on the STRS website.
STRS Defined Contribution Age 50 – no service requirement
OPERS Traditional Pension Must meet age and service requirements found on the OPERS website.
OPERS Combined Plan Must meet age and service requirements found on the OPERS website.
OPERS Member-Directed Age 55 – no service requirement
ARP Any age (withdrawals made before 59½ may be subject to an additional federal penalty)

University Retiree Qualifications

As you prepare to retire, determine if you will be an Ohio State retiree and eligible to receive university retiree benefits. Faculty and Staff retiring from STRS OPERS, or ARP must:

  • Have 10+ years of continuous Ohio State service in at least a 50% FTE regular appointment at and directly proceeding retirement; AND
  • Meet eligibility to receive OPERS/STRS Defined Benefit Plan benefits. See Retiring from OPERS or STRS Eligibility Requirements for more information.