Alternative Retirement Plan Overview

The Alternative Retirement Plan (ARP) is a defined contribution plan with enrollment available to full-time employees with 75% or greater FTE. You have options at retirement for how and when to receive your account balance, including gains or losses. The benefit is determined by your account balance and the payment option(s) you choose when you apply to receive benefits. In the event of death, your beneficiary(ies) is eligible to receive your account balance. Should you separate from Ohio State, you may request a refund or rollover of your accumulated contributions.

Manage Plan Elections

The NetBenefits portal allows employees to manage their ARP account and change provider(s).

Trouble with the NetBenefits site? Contact the Fidelity Service Center at (800) 343-0860 or HR Connection at (614) 247-myHR (6947).

Vesting and Contributions

All employee and employer contributions to the plan are immediately 100% vested.

A percentage of the total employer contribution is applied to the mitigating rate which is required by Ohio law (Ohio Revised Code Section 3305.06). This requires a portion of the employer contribution be sent to the applicable state retirement system where it is permanently retained. To learn more, visit Mitigating Rate and Employer Contributions.

Contribution Amounts and Limits
Source and Limit Faculty Staff
Employee contribution 14% 10%
Employer contribution 14%

Contribution Breakdown:
11.09% to ARP;
2.91% to mitigating rate


Contribution Breakdown:
11.76% to ARP;
2.24% to mitigating rate

2025 Contribution Limit $70,000 (employee and employer) $70,000 (employee and employer)

Plan Documents and Resources

Frequently Asked Questions

Key Plan Information

Plan Fees

Understand the fees that you are paying.


Learn about your investment options and how to manage them.


Understand when you can request a withdrawal, how to apply for one and at what age you are required to take one.


There are four approved providers within this plan.

Legacy Accounts

Consider your account options and understand the fees you may be paying for balances held in accounts prior to January 1, 2021.